Michael Greenberg

Michael Greenberg, PhD

Nathan Marsh Pusey Professor of Neurobiology

How Experience Shapes Gene Expression & Connectivity in the Brain

Our interactions with the outside world trigger changes in neurons that are critical for proper brain development and higher cognitive function. Experience-driven neuronal activity shapes gene expression in ways that promote the maturation and refinement of neural circuits.

The Greenberg lab studies precisely how, at a molecular level, neuronal activity controls gene expression and connectivity in the brain. A number of human brain developmental disorders, including autism and Rett syndrome, have now been linked to abnormalities in experience-driven brain pathways. Our lab studies the underlying basis of such neurological disorders.

Beginning in the mid-1980s, with the appreciation that growth factors trigger rapid transcription of an important activity-responsive gene called Fos, we have focused on elucidating the nature and role of neuronal transcriptional programs triggered by extracellular stimuli. In this effort, we have discovered various signaling pathways that convey neurotrophin and calcium-dependent signals from distal synapses (far from the cell body) to the nucleus of neurons, where transcription occurs. We have also studied the role of these activity-regulated transcriptional programs in modulating the plasticity of brain circuits.

Given the strong links between these processes and various human disorders of cognitive function, we continually seek to exploit our molecular insights to advance understanding of clinically relevant neurological conditions. Current projects in the lab include studies of sensory-driven circuit development, the role of enhancer elements in activity-dependent transcriptional responses, human-specific molecular neurobiology and the function of MeCP2, the gene mutated in Rett syndrome.

Publications View
Proteomic analysis identifies the E3 ubiquitin ligase Pdzrn3 as a regulatory target of Wnt5a-Ror signaling.
Authors: Authors: Konopelski Snavely SE, Susman MW, Kunz RC, Tan J, Srinivasan S, Cohen MD, Okada K, Lamb H, Choi SS, Karuna EP, Scales MK, Gygi SP, Greenberg ME, Ho HH.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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MicroRNA-29 is an essential regulator of brain maturation through regulation of CH methylation.
Authors: Authors: Swahari V, Nakamura A, Hollville E, Stroud H, Simon JM, Ptacek TS, Beck MV, Flowers C, Guo J, Plestant C, Liang J, Kurtz CL, Kanke M, Hammond SM, He YW, Anton ES, Sethupathy P, Moy SS, Greenberg ME, Deshmukh M.
Cell Rep
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Activity-dependent regulome of human GABAergic neurons reveals new patterns of gene regulation and neurological disease heritability.
Authors: Authors: <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/1241913">Boulting GL</a>, Durresi E, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/1234199">Ataman B</a>, Sherman MA, Mei K, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/1238656">Harmin DA</a>, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/140927620">Carter AC</a>, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/59631509">Hochbaum DR</a>, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/26981091">Granger AJ</a>, Engreitz JM, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/60525654">Hrvatin S</a>, Blanchard MR, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/156313019">Yang MG</a>, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/1236805">Griffith EC</a>, <a href="https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/profile/1246630">Greenberg ME</a>.
Nat Neurosci
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Maternal immune activation in mice disrupts proteostasis in the fetal brain.
Authors: Authors: Kalish BT, Kim E, Finander B, Duffy EE, Kim H, Gilman CK, Yim YS, Tong L, Kaufman RJ, Griffith EC, Choi GB, Greenberg ME, Huh JR.
Nat Neurosci
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Bidirectional perisomatic inhibitory plasticity of a Fos neuronal network.
Authors: Authors: Yap EL, Pettit NL, Davis CP, Nagy MA, Harmin DA, Golden E, Dagliyan O, Lin C, Rudolph S, Sharma N, Griffith EC, Harvey CD, Greenberg ME.
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Sensory Experience Engages Microglia to Shape Neural Connectivity through a Non-Phagocytic Mechanism.
Authors: Authors: Cheadle L, Rivera SA, Phelps JS, Ennis KA, Stevens B, Burkly LC, Lee WA, Greenberg ME.
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Homozygous deletions implicate non-coding epigenetic marks in Autism spectrum disorder.
Authors: Authors: Schmitz-Abe K, Sanchez-Schmitz G, Doan RN, Hill RS, Chahrour MH, Mehta BK, Servattalab S, Ataman B, Lam AN, Morrow EM, Greenberg ME, Yu TW, Walsh CA, Markianos K.
Sci Rep
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An Activity-Mediated Transition in Transcription in Early Postnatal Neurons.
Authors: Authors: Stroud H, Yang MG, Tsitohay YN, Davis CP, Sherman MA, Hrvatin S, Ling E, Greenberg ME.
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Neurons that regulate mouse torpor.
Authors: Authors: Hrvatin S, Sun S, Wilcox OF, Yao H, Lavin-Peter AJ, Cicconet M, Assad EG, Palmer ME, Aronson S, Banks AS, Griffith EC, Greenberg ME.
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Sleep Loss Can Cause Death through Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Gut.
Authors: Authors: Vaccaro A, Kaplan Dor Y, Nambara K, Pollina EA, Lin C, Greenberg ME, Rogulja D.
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